Nguyen Dieu Linh


About me

I cook food, read tarot, hit the gym and travel frequently.


Languages: Vietnamese & English (IELTS 6.5)

Microsoft Word 80%
Microsoft Powerpoint 80%
JavaScript 80%
Microsoft Excel 75%



Middlesex University

2017 - present

Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Advertising, Public Relations and Media
  • Professional Experience

    Angelhack Vietnam

    July 2019 - present

    General Director
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    • Coordinate with department leads to ensure effective event organization and build a growing community of 1500 developers, designers and entrepreneurs
    • Manage outreach partnership with attendees, tech professionals, sponsors and other partners
    • Organized the online hackathon HackCOVY with 420+ attendees, 50 mentors and judges; solicited $9000 in sponsorships as winners’ awards

    Leadership Activities


    September 2019 - present

    Regional Director - Vietnam
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    • Building the nation's network of youth creators, investing students to become socially-conscious founders
    • Outreach and partner with education institutions, technology experts, journalists,... to deliver coding classes for young children

    Developer Student Club - VNU

    October 2019 - present

    Community Manager
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    • Establish collaboration and other partnership with other student-run tech communities
    • Promote Google’s events and new technology to students in the community and get them involved


    August 2018 - September 2019

    Executive Director
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    • Managed partnerships with 20 sponsors and community partners, with $1800 raised for hackathon
    • Led a team of 43 organizing the first Vietnamese women hackathon for 150 participants, with 20 tech professionals as mentors and judges; had 7 speakers at 6 tech talks in hackathon
    • Grew online audience by 4000+ followers on Facebook page from scratch
    • Held a free two-day beginner coding class in front-end web programming for 44 women aged 16 to 27


    • All
    • Education
    • Technology
    • Fitness
    • Lifestyle
    • Blog
    • Fortune Telling

    Get involved

    Donating and supporting my project

    Beneficiary: Nguyen Dieu Linh
    Account Number:
    Bank Code:
    The title of Bank:
    The Address of Bank:


    • Freelance Jobs
    • Organizing events
    • Consulting